Professional Interests Acute care surgery Upper and lower GI endoscopy Complex biliary surgery Welcome Arshad Khan, MD, FACS SPECIALTY: GENERAL SURGERY Minimally invasive gastrointestinal & hernia surgery Gastrointestinal tumors Skin cancers and breast surgery Education & Credentials University of Illinois Chicago at Mount Sinai Medical College Jammu, India "It inspires me every day to research, learn, and bring new approaches to my practice, all in the hope of meeting and exceeding my patients' expectations." Learn more about Dr. Khan by scanning the QR code. To schedule an appointment, call 763-689-7700 or log into your Allina Health account. Allina Healthe CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL CENTER Professional Interests Acute care surgery Upper and lower GI endoscopy Complex biliary surgery Welcome Arshad Khan , MD , FACS SPECIALTY : GENERAL SURGERY Minimally invasive gastrointestinal & hernia surgery Gastrointestinal tumors Skin cancers and breast surgery Education & Credentials University of Illinois Chicago at Mount Sinai Medical College Jammu , India " It inspires me every day to research , learn , and bring new approaches to my practice , all in the hope of meeting and exceeding my patients ' expectations . " Learn more about Dr. Khan by scanning the QR code . To schedule an appointment , call 763-689-7700 or log into your Allina Health account . Allina Healthe CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL CENTER