CAMBRIDGE Vinnesotas Opporunity Community Fun for Kids and Families at City Park 810 2nd Avenue SW 2021 Tuesdey, June 15 10:00 - 11:30 om Tuesday, June 22 Tueaday, June 9 10:00 - 11:30 am 6:10 -00 pm A Touch of Magic's Clowing Around Rock Pointing A perennial favorite - tables Creating a Flower Topiary Summer Oscor and Half-Pet wil entertain and teach u ebeut l be set up with poist. Combridge Floral will be on hand to help kidt create a dlewning areund Greet fu bruahes, ond e voriety af recks Rower nepiory ta take home to point your pichures on Activities Fun programs for kids on Tuesdays. ENTERTAINM Tuesday. July 13 10:00 - 1130 am 6:30 - 8:00 pm Tuesdey. July 20 10:00 - 11:00 am Tuesdey. July 27 630 pm Cirous Science Spectaculert Magicion Alon Smole Creative art classes Obstacle Course 4 Popup Splash Pod This one ha it al - comedy, Jling science. ond fun for kids and adults on Wednesdays. Con you complete the courte wi your woter bolloon ht the target? Get wet under the Lodder truckis streom of Ho. This will be e50 minute per fermance fellewed by a ten minute magic lesson For his final illusion, Alon will floot someone nearly 3 feet in the Great concerts on Thursdays - 50's/60's, polka, bluegrass, country, and rock. The Cireus Sciel Spectacula Art in the Park Clay, Watercolor & Acrylic Summer Concerts Start at 6:30 pm All classes are at City Park, BI0 Znd Ave. SWTO regster, complere the form Classes stert 6:00 pm. June3 þelow: AME Ole Olson and Frienda Variety Show City Pork, 810 2nd Ave SW Combridge Bor & Gril Food truck The Parler Ice Creom say 21, Clay Lihthute with watercolor Regirtretion Fee S25.00 June 10 Chmeilewski Funtime Bond City Park, 810 2nd Ave SW Tepponyaki Grill The Parler Ice Cream ADDRESS Food truck sy 28, Gromes Clay Preject BaeKITY.STATE. ZIP June 17 Lolo's Ghost Downtown Combridge Main Street ond Znd Ave SE Regirtretien fee $25o0 EMAIL ADDRESS June 24 High 48s City Pork, 810 2nd Ave SW Sumo Egg Rolls The Parlor Ice Cream 4. Water Coler Aegiatretion Fee $20.00 Food truck PHONE NUMBER: July 8 Devon Worley City Pork, 810 2nd Ave SW The Big Red Wogon The Parlor Ice Cream Class Date Food truck August 11. Acrylic Painting Aegiutretion Fee $3000 Class bate Reckin Hollywood Downtown Cambridge Main Street and 2nd Ave SE July 15 Return registration form and registretion fee to: MACHELLE RUSS CAMBREDGE CITY HALL p00 3RO AVE NE CAMBRIDGE, MN 55008 July 29 Augst 18, Acrylie Painting Regirtretion Fee $3000 Jonah and the Whales City Park, 810 2nd Ave SW Combridge Bor a Gril Food truck The Parlor Ice Cream Fee must be paid et the time of reg- stration. Check is poyoble to City Cambridge. Ta register ond pay by kredt cind, call f63-49-31i. Clesses are limited to 20 prople for each cles. Food trucks In City Park arrive at 6:00 pm. Come down early. find a great place to listen te the con cert, ond have dinner / dessert. CAMBRIDGE Vinnesotas Opporunity Community Fun for Kids and Families at City Park 810 2nd Avenue SW 2021 Tuesdey, June 15 10:00 - 11:30 om Tuesday, June 22 Tueaday, June 9 10:00 - 11:30 am 6:10 -00 pm A Touch of Magic's Clowing Around Rock Pointing A perennial favorite - tables Creating a Flower Topiary Summer Oscor and Half-Pet wil entertain and teach u ebeut l be set up with poist. Combridge Floral will be on hand to help kidt create a dlewning areund Greet fu bruahes, ond e voriety af recks Rower nepiory ta take home to point your pichures on Activities Fun programs for kids on Tuesdays. ENTERTAINM Tuesday. July 13 10:00 - 1130 am 6:30 - 8:00 pm Tuesdey. July 20 10:00 - 11:00 am Tuesdey. July 27 630 pm Cirous Science Spectaculert Magicion Alon Smole Creative art classes Obstacle Course 4 Popup Splash Pod This one ha it al - comedy, Jling science. ond fun for kids and adults on Wednesdays. Con you complete the courte wi your woter bolloon ht the target? Get wet under the Lodder truckis streom of Ho. This will be e50 minute per fermance fellewed by a ten minute magic lesson For his final illusion, Alon will floot someone nearly 3 feet in the Great concerts on Thursdays - 50's/60's, polka, bluegrass, country, and rock. The Cireus Sciel Spectacula Art in the Park Clay, Watercolor & Acrylic Summer Concerts Start at 6:30 pm All classes are at City Park, BI0 Znd Ave. SWTO regster, complere the form Classes stert 6:00 pm. June3 þelow: AME Ole Olson and Frienda Variety Show City Pork, 810 2nd Ave SW Combridge Bor & Gril Food truck The Parler Ice Creom say 21, Clay Lihthute with watercolor Regirtretion Fee S25.00 June 10 Chmeilewski Funtime Bond City Park, 810 2nd Ave SW Tepponyaki Grill The Parler Ice Cream ADDRESS Food truck sy 28, Gromes Clay Preject BaeKITY.STATE. ZIP June 17 Lolo's Ghost Downtown Combridge Main Street ond Znd Ave SE Regirtretien fee $25o0 EMAIL ADDRESS June 24 High 48s City Pork, 810 2nd Ave SW Sumo Egg Rolls The Parlor Ice Cream 4. Water Coler Aegiatretion Fee $20.00 Food truck PHONE NUMBER: July 8 Devon Worley City Pork, 810 2nd Ave SW The Big Red Wogon The Parlor Ice Cream Class Date Food truck August 11. Acrylic Painting Aegiutretion Fee $3000 Class bate Reckin Hollywood Downtown Cambridge Main Street and 2nd Ave SE July 15 Return registration form and registretion fee to: MACHELLE RUSS CAMBREDGE CITY HALL p00 3RO AVE NE CAMBRIDGE, MN 55008 July 29 Augst 18, Acrylie Painting Regirtretion Fee $3000 Jonah and the Whales City Park, 810 2nd Ave SW Combridge Bor a Gril Food truck The Parlor Ice Cream Fee must be paid et the time of reg- stration. Check is poyoble to City Cambridge. Ta register ond pay by kredt cind, call f63-49-31i. Clesses are limited to 20 prople for each cles. Food trucks In City Park arrive at 6:00 pm. Come down early. find a great place to listen te the con cert, ond have dinner / dessert.