- COUPON- Foursome with cart $120 Valid Mon-Fri anytime. Weekends after 10am. Expires 7/31/21 Purple Hawk 763-689-3800 PURPLE HAWK COUNTRY CLUB THE HIDDEN GEM OF THE TORTH METRO 763-689-3800 - 3 1/2 Miles N. of Cambridge on Hwy. 65 Book tee times online at www..purplehawk.com - COUPON- Foursome with cart $120 Valid Mon-Fri anytime. Weekends after 10am. Expires 7/31/21 Purple Hawk 763-689-3800 PURPLE HAWK COUNTRY CLUB THE HIDDEN GEM OF THE TORTH METRO 763-689-3800 - 3 1/2 Miles N. of Cambridge on Hwy. 65 Book tee times online at www..purplehawk.com