Limited-time offer! Spring savings at Walker Methodist Levande in Cambridge Spring is around the corner... Now is the time to save. Come home to Levande, where neighbors become friends and friends become family. When you take possession of your new home before March 31, 2022, you'll receive $1,000 off your first month's rent! Schedule your tour or reserve your apartment today. Contact Victoria at 763.325.0102 or twalker Levande 2011 6th Lane SE Cambridge, MN 55008 methodist 763.325.0100 Limited-time offer! Spring savings at Walker Methodist Levande in Cambridge Spring is around the corner... Now is the time to save. Come home to Levande, where neighbors become friends and friends become family. When you take possession of your new home before March 31, 2022, you'll receive $1,000 off your first month's rent! Schedule your tour or reserve your apartment today. Contact Victoria at 763.325.0102 or twalker Levande 2011 6th Lane SE Cambridge, MN 55008 methodist 763.325.0100