pring OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 4 10AM - 3PM Kawasaki On the Twin Cities' biggest demo track Store Promos Food . Door Prizes POLARIS . "Your Way to the Outdoors" 21429 Ulysses St. NE East Bethel, MN 55011 On the corner of Hwy 65 &Sims Rd Northway Sports hat Valid Saturday, May 4 ONLY Limit 1 hat per person. Must present coupon pring OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 4 10AM - 3PM Kawasaki On the Twin Cities' biggest demo track Store Promos Food . Door Prizes POLARIS . "Your Way to the Outdoors" 21429 Ulysses St. NE East Bethel, MN 55011 On the corner of Hwy 65 &Sims Rd Northway Sports hat Valid Saturday, May 4 ONLY Limit 1 hat per person. Must present coupon