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    June 10, 2021
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North Branch American Legion Post 85 welcomes you to the 95th Annual MIDSUMMER CELEBRATION 2021 Wednesday thru Sunday, June 16-20 COME VISIT-THE MIDWAY AT CENTRAL PARK IN NORTH BRANCH. MIDSUMMER PARADE - SUNDAY JUNE 20 - 2PM WELCOME AME The American Leglen is calebrating its 102nd birtday his pe. The American Legion was erganied ia March ef 1919 ie Paris, France, and the first GTO National Convention was held in Minnespolis, Minneseta, in Noeember f 1919. Every menber ef North Branc American Legien Pat S hepes ye and your family wi attend the annaal celebration of Midnemmer Dapn in North For information, call North Branch h os lene 14-20. American Legion or Chamber at 651-674-6100 651-674-4077 SEE YOU THERE! Rick Hals, Commander Post 85 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 SATURDAY, JUNE 19 LEGION AUXILIARY FOOD STAND- OPEN ALL 5 DAYS Wed. & Thars. 5 p.m.; Fri 3 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. at noon MIDSUNMER GOLF TOURNAMENT 8:00 a.m. start. Three person scramble. Questions? Call 651-674-9989 or visit FAMILY FUN SHOWS Central Park opens at 5 p.m. People of all ages ride for one low price of $20 from 6-10 p.m. KIDDIE MIDSUMMER OLYMPIKS- NEW LOCATION Sponsored by American Legion Post 85. Registration begins at 8:30 am. and events start at 9am. SHARPI Includes prescheol through 12 years of age. Lacated at the Old Achletik Fleld on Grand Avenae acros from the skating rink. There will be awards for each event, and sponsors ask hat participants please de NOT wear good clethes. THURSDAY, JUNE 17 FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at 4 p.m. BINGO FREE LUNCH FOR ALL From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sponsored by the North Branch Lionesses. Served underneath the American Legion Tent MEAT RAFFLE In the bar at the American Legion 5:00 p.m. BINGO UNDER THE TENT 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Two-hour sessions - $500 JACKPOT in 57 numbers or less each session. Auxiliary serving refreshments. Children 12 and under play for FREE 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Childrens prizes donated by North Branch merchants. KIDDIE PARADE The parade will step off at soon from the Municipal parking let. All children through grade five are eligible te parade it they are registered and in costume. Registration is at 11am. Theme la Red, White and Blee. All entrants will recelve a priee. Awards given te top 5 contestants. Contact lessica at 651-234-5097 fer questions. Sponsered by the VW Auailiary Pest 6424 FRIDAY, JUNE 18 BINGO UNDER THE TENT 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Two-hour sessions - Ss00 ACKPOT in 57 numbers or less each session. Ausiliary serving refreshments. FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at noon BINGO UNDER THE TENT 2pm. to 6 pm. Twe-hour sessions - 5s00 jackpot in 57 nembers or less each session. Ausiliary serving refreshments. Children 12 and under play for FREE. Childrens prizes donated by North Branch merchants. COACH PURSE BINGO 5:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. S30 for a 12-game packet. Each packet will include chances for additional Coach accessories. Prize for EACH game will be a Coach purse with value over $225 or a 50-inch TV. WATER FIGHT Lacated on Elm Street, this event starts at 1 pm. t's a real favorite, but watch out, you might be getting wetll This erent is spensered by the North Branch Fire Department. FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at 1 p.m. STREET DANCE S7 ADHISSION Mere's a colossal event. 8:10 p.m. 10 12:30 am. Come to the Amerkan Legion parking lot under the teet te listes and dance te the music ef "The Farmer's Daughters" NO ONE UNDER 20 ALLOWED LIVE MUSIC Local Band "Off the Record" and cash bar 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. under the tent in American Legion parking lot. FREE ADMISSION! NO ONE UNDER 21 ALLOWED AFTER 8:30 PM. NB AUXILIARY PRESENTS FOOD STAND UNDER THE TENT START TIMES: Thursday & Friday at 10 a.m. Saturday at 2 p.m. & Sunday at 3 p.m. OPEN THROUGH THE DANCES ON FRI. & SAT. SUNDAY, JUNE 20 FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at noon MIDSUMMER PARADE Beginning at 2 pm. and proceeding up Main Street. Dea't miss this paradel Lineup at I p.m. This year's Grand Marshal is Colonel Paul lohasen (Retired) BINGO UNDER THE TENT 2-HOUR SESSIONS-5500 IACKPOT IN 57 NUMBERS OR LESS EACH SESSION Thurs. 10 a.m.-10 p.m; Fri. 10 am.-4 p.m; Sat. 2-6 pm. Children 12 and under play for FREE. Childrea's prines donated by North Branch merchants STREET DANCE Frem 3-7 pm., listen and dance te live masik fellowing the parade at the Amerikan Legion Parking lot under the tent. Masic by "Artisan". Free Admission PULL TABS AVAILABLE ALL WEEKEND AT THE BAR & UNDER THE TENT ADVANCE CARNIVAL RIDE TICKETS 10 for $20 MIDSUMMER DAYS RAFFLES DRAWING JUNE 20, 2021. 4 PM. (wd ot-s bapanan depsoupon) ndadag a Reat the Carnival 20ot0 (Thersday-Sunday) Tickets sold at the fellewing business establishments untilbn, n Na Ce Associated Bank - Casey's General Stere Ace Hardware American Legion County Market - Lampert's Lumber Olde Brick Ien Alml Red's Country Market Rais The Fuse Kalle Stuga SIKy Casey's General Stere All Advance Sales go to American Legion programs to benefit our Veterans TICKETS $5 Ater the Parade Under the Legien Tent - Fendraiser Spensered y Sons ef American Legion Post 85, North Branch tst Priee: S750 CASH 2ed Priae: Brewning ABalt 30-06 Walut (S500 valee Ied Priae: Seith Wesson MP S Z (S450 value) th Prize: 38" ND Free Standing Fire Boel (Ss00 valee) Tidets can be perchane at the Nerth Branch American Legion, 641s ln Street 631 674-4810 - Winners can eachange priaes for similar valued itema. Need not be preent te win Lteg th ut o ............... North Branch American Legion Post 85 welcomes you to the 95th Annual MIDSUMMER CELEBRATION 2021 Wednesday thru Sunday, June 16-20 COME VISIT-THE MIDWAY AT CENTRAL PARK IN NORTH BRANCH. MIDSUMMER PARADE - SUNDAY JUNE 20 - 2PM WELCOME AME The American Leglen is calebrating its 102nd birtday his pe. The American Legion was erganied ia March ef 1919 ie Paris, France, and the first GTO National Convention was held in Minnespolis, Minneseta, in Noeember f 1919. Every menber ef North Branc American Legien Pat S hepes ye and your family wi attend the annaal celebration of Midnemmer Dapn in North For information, call North Branch h os lene 14-20. American Legion or Chamber at 651-674-6100 651-674-4077 SEE YOU THERE! Rick Hals, Commander Post 85 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 SATURDAY, JUNE 19 LEGION AUXILIARY FOOD STAND- OPEN ALL 5 DAYS Wed. & Thars. 5 p.m.; Fri 3 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. at noon MIDSUNMER GOLF TOURNAMENT 8:00 a.m. start. Three person scramble. Questions? Call 651-674-9989 or visit FAMILY FUN SHOWS Central Park opens at 5 p.m. People of all ages ride for one low price of $20 from 6-10 p.m. KIDDIE MIDSUMMER OLYMPIKS- NEW LOCATION Sponsored by American Legion Post 85. Registration begins at 8:30 am. and events start at 9am. SHARPI Includes prescheol through 12 years of age. Lacated at the Old Achletik Fleld on Grand Avenae acros from the skating rink. There will be awards for each event, and sponsors ask hat participants please de NOT wear good clethes. THURSDAY, JUNE 17 FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at 4 p.m. BINGO FREE LUNCH FOR ALL From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sponsored by the North Branch Lionesses. Served underneath the American Legion Tent MEAT RAFFLE In the bar at the American Legion 5:00 p.m. BINGO UNDER THE TENT 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Two-hour sessions - $500 JACKPOT in 57 numbers or less each session. Auxiliary serving refreshments. Children 12 and under play for FREE 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Childrens prizes donated by North Branch merchants. KIDDIE PARADE The parade will step off at soon from the Municipal parking let. All children through grade five are eligible te parade it they are registered and in costume. Registration is at 11am. Theme la Red, White and Blee. All entrants will recelve a priee. Awards given te top 5 contestants. Contact lessica at 651-234-5097 fer questions. Sponsered by the VW Auailiary Pest 6424 FRIDAY, JUNE 18 BINGO UNDER THE TENT 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Two-hour sessions - Ss00 ACKPOT in 57 numbers or less each session. Ausiliary serving refreshments. FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at noon BINGO UNDER THE TENT 2pm. to 6 pm. Twe-hour sessions - 5s00 jackpot in 57 nembers or less each session. Ausiliary serving refreshments. Children 12 and under play for FREE. Childrens prizes donated by North Branch merchants. COACH PURSE BINGO 5:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. S30 for a 12-game packet. Each packet will include chances for additional Coach accessories. Prize for EACH game will be a Coach purse with value over $225 or a 50-inch TV. WATER FIGHT Lacated on Elm Street, this event starts at 1 pm. t's a real favorite, but watch out, you might be getting wetll This erent is spensered by the North Branch Fire Department. FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at 1 p.m. STREET DANCE S7 ADHISSION Mere's a colossal event. 8:10 p.m. 10 12:30 am. Come to the Amerkan Legion parking lot under the teet te listes and dance te the music ef "The Farmer's Daughters" NO ONE UNDER 20 ALLOWED LIVE MUSIC Local Band "Off the Record" and cash bar 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. under the tent in American Legion parking lot. FREE ADMISSION! NO ONE UNDER 21 ALLOWED AFTER 8:30 PM. NB AUXILIARY PRESENTS FOOD STAND UNDER THE TENT START TIMES: Thursday & Friday at 10 a.m. Saturday at 2 p.m. & Sunday at 3 p.m. OPEN THROUGH THE DANCES ON FRI. & SAT. SUNDAY, JUNE 20 FAMILY FUN SHOWS Carnival opens at noon MIDSUMMER PARADE Beginning at 2 pm. and proceeding up Main Street. Dea't miss this paradel Lineup at I p.m. This year's Grand Marshal is Colonel Paul lohasen (Retired) BINGO UNDER THE TENT 2-HOUR SESSIONS-5500 IACKPOT IN 57 NUMBERS OR LESS EACH SESSION Thurs. 10 a.m.-10 p.m; Fri. 10 am.-4 p.m; Sat. 2-6 pm. Children 12 and under play for FREE. Childrea's prines donated by North Branch merchants STREET DANCE Frem 3-7 pm., listen and dance te live masik fellowing the parade at the Amerikan Legion Parking lot under the tent. Masic by "Artisan". Free Admission PULL TABS AVAILABLE ALL WEEKEND AT THE BAR & UNDER THE TENT ADVANCE CARNIVAL RIDE TICKETS 10 for $20 MIDSUMMER DAYS RAFFLES DRAWING JUNE 20, 2021. 4 PM. (wd ot-s bapanan depsoupon) ndadag a Reat the Carnival 20ot0 (Thersday-Sunday) Tickets sold at the fellewing business establishments untilbn, n Na Ce Associated Bank - Casey's General Stere Ace Hardware American Legion County Market - Lampert's Lumber Olde Brick Ien Alml Red's Country Market Rais The Fuse Kalle Stuga SIKy Casey's General Stere All Advance Sales go to American Legion programs to benefit our Veterans TICKETS $5 Ater the Parade Under the Legien Tent - Fendraiser Spensered y Sons ef American Legion Post 85, North Branch tst Priee: S750 CASH 2ed Priae: Brewning ABalt 30-06 Walut (S500 valee Ied Priae: Seith Wesson MP S Z (S450 value) th Prize: 38" ND Free Standing Fire Boel (Ss00 valee) Tidets can be perchane at the Nerth Branch American Legion, 641s ln Street 631 674-4810 - Winners can eachange priaes for similar valued itema. Need not be preent te win Lteg th ut o ...............